Welcome to a community of involved, wanna-know-more fans and a place where Greg, Karen, and sometimes others, share behind-the-scenes tidbits and treats. All things LUANNiverse are being added here!
This site started with the wedding story of Brad and Toni–including collections of their entire dating history–all the fun of which you can still see HERE.
But currently we are sharing something old and NEVER before published: The Horrible Haircut, a LUANN novel that never made it to the printer.
Written for young adult readers, this novel is Vintage Luann: she’s 16, still in high school and obsessed with Aaron Hill. What’s most fun is that a book can present stories, conversations and events that a daily comic strip simply can’t accommodate. It’s a Luanniverse you haven’t seen before. New chapters will be released weekly!
We’re glad you’re here and hope you’ll join us on facebook and on our guestlist if you’d like updates on LuannFan news and new chapter releases.
~Greg and Karen
p.s. If you’d like to know a bit more about the creator and inspiration behind LUANN, we think you’ll enjoy this article