Featured Collection: Ring of Kippness

Luann Fan header with expressive faces from comic strip character LUANN
Cover art for the Ring of Kippness featured collection of Luann comic strips.

Featured Collection:

The Ring of Kippness

One ring to ruin them all!  In this storyline, the Mooney quad girls are coming back to the dorms for fall semester.  Tiffany had been running a storage business at her mansion over the summer and things get spicy when Stef discovers something she stored has gone missing...

Bonus points if you notice something odd going on with Tiffany's hair--it's an unintentional blooper!

Enjoy the story below and sign up for LUANNFan Mail if you'd like an inside scoop and other bonuses from Greg and Karen!

2022.09.05 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.06 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.07 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.08 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.09 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.10 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.12 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.13 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.14 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.15 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.16 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.17 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.19 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.20 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.21 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.22 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.23 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.24 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.26 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.27 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.28 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.29 LUANN COMIC
2022.09.30 LUANN COMIC

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