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A Birthday Guest
When the comic strip launched in 1985, Luann was a 13 year old. Fourteen years later, she celebrated her 16th birthday in 1999. In 2013, she started her senior year of high school (one of the only times the strip moved in “real time”) and graduated in 2014. In fall of 2014 she started college and turned 18.
To celebrate this special occasion, Greg invited his nephew Jonathan to be guest artist for the week. In his mid-twenties at the time, Jonathan had long been drawing cartoons as a passion project. He and Greg worked together to come up with a flashback storyline and a style that took the LUANN cast back to their early years.
On Luann's real birthday, September 21, Luann celebrated with a Sunday strip where she "breaks the 4th wall" by looking out at readers with a smile--a rare interaction between worlds. The week then shifts into a "memory book" that Luann's besties put together and concludes with a cameo of Greg and Karen wishing Luann a happy birthday, too. Since Luann only gets to have a birthday every dozen of years or so, it is fitting that she got to celebrate her 18th with some of her friends and family, both in and out of the strip!
Enjoy the story below and sign up for LUANNFan Mail if you'd like inside scoops and other bonuses from Greg and Karen!