Married nearly three decades, this designer and long-time LUANN fan created dresses she would have loved for her own wedding:
#276 #277 #281 #282 #283 and #284
Inah Green
Moreno Valley
I have read this comic strip since 1985 when I was pregnant with my 1st son who will be 32 March 2017. I enjoyed watching Luann grow into a woman and Brad become mature as a fire fighter,hero and all around good guy.
All my drawings were Ideas from my own wedding dress. 6 foot trains,puffy sleeves and a lot of lace were in style then. My 9th grade art teacher made me realize I had a cartoon style..His final exam was a comic strip to be created by the artist.I created a strip between the Honey mooners and the Flintstones and got an A+.I am married 30 years on Valentines 2017 and work as a in home care giver for my 2 special needs sons.