Dress by Ashley


Some designers couldn’t fit their abundant creativity into just one entry! Rules allowed up to 10 submissions so Ashley sent in 6 very different designs. If you saw her photos, you probably wondered about the who and what behind them. Here’s the scoop:

My name is Ashley Morgan Capp and I live in Windermere, FL. Native Floridian!! 🙂
My mother was the onashley-1e that told me about the contest. Her and my grandma are my inspirations. They always motivate me to share my designs with the world.My designs: 642, 641, 640, 639, 638, 637
My grandmother just recently passed away on my birthday and in her honor I am pushing myself to go out of my norm and try everything like designing more elaborate clothing such as wedding dresses and formal dresses.
The contest kind of fell into place at the right timing. I just recently made all my dresses and finished some photo shoots with them which I was able to share with all of you.I am a clothing and jewelry designer pursuing my dream of growing my company into a business that everyone will know and love. My company name is Struck By Cupid and my website is www.Fashionweeklooks.com .
My mother and grandmother taught me to sew when I was just five years old. My family is my inspiration and I am very close with them. I was a caretaker for my grandpa for three years until he passed away, my grandma for over 8 years who just recently passed away tragically, and on and off for my father that had Sarcoma Cancer twice, but now is cancer free. I just lost a longtime family friend, Jim, to cancer. So I try to make the most of every day. And even though my grandma is not here to smile and get excited at my designs, I know she is looking down at me, making me pursue everything I put my mind to.
Aside from designing I volunteer at my local animal shelter’s clinic. Helping animals makes me the happiest. Animals and designing is what I live for. 🙂
Thank you for letting me share my designs with you.
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