Volume 5 – Brad Works It Out

Volume 5 – Brad Works It Out

Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
“There’s a fun couple of strips in this collection. I wanted Brad to explode into… Read More


































Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:

There’s a fun couple of strips in this collection. I wanted Brad to explode into a major rant over Dirk so on Sept. 22 I had him begin his rant, then I continued it on the 23rd. I think it’s the only time in LUANN that I’ve done something like this. Brad’s anger simply needed more than one day to come out!

It’s always fun to think up the weird, convoluted plans that TJ pitches to Brad. They need to have just enough apparent logic to lure Brad in, but be dumb enough that they’re funny.

Full disclosure: for the scenes of Dirk working his huge muscles in the gym? I used a mirror.

It was really satisfying to write the lines where Toni finally stands up to Dirk.