Volume 16 – Meet Shannon
Volume 16 – Meet Shannon
Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
” Yay! Shannon! Nothing like a bratty, impulsive, loud mouthed little terror to… Read More

Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
Yay! Shannon! Nothing like a bratty, impulsive, loud mouthed little terror to bring the fun! To be frank, I find that flawed, evil, unlikable characters are much easier to write for. Example: egotistical, air-head Tiffany is a hoot to write. Pure, perfect Delta was always a challenge.
At various times in the strip, I referred to Shannon as Toni’s niece and also as her cousin. I always get these two mixed up. Here, Toni says Shannon’s her cousin. But Shannon is Toni’s brother’s kid. So she’s her niece. I wish the sharp editors at my syndicate (or my even sharper wife) had noticed this dumb blunder.
I like the sequence here where Toni shaves off Brad’s goatee. There’s something so intimate and romantic about this. Probably because it requires the ultimate in trust. After all, she’s got deadly sharp implements next to his neck!
And contrasted with the soft tenderness of Toni’s actions are the sharp angles of Shannon’s personality. This whole scene would’ve been kinda boring without Shannon there, being a snot.