Volume 14 – Holiday Flirtations
Volume 14 – Holiday Flirtations
Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
” Ah, nothing like a holiday to stir up stress and trouble! Drawing these Halloween strips was really fun… Read More

Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
Ah, nothing like a holiday to stir up stress and trouble! Drawing these Halloween strips was really fun. Who doesn’t get a kick out of severed body parts, impaled heads, gooshy eyeballs, spurting “blood” and fun words like vomit, maggots, guts and corpses?
It was also a kick to write TJ’s Dracula accent in the 10-31 strip.
The key to any relationship story is conflict. If a couple is perfectly matched, happy and content, where’s the interest? The humor? I’d already had lots of conflict with Dirk the Jerk. Now Brad and Toni were moving into a more intimate, easy stage. So how to create conflict? With yet another contest between the stations! First, it was stuffed animals. This time it’s a food drive.
I just noticed that in the 12-15 strip, I showed Toni’s friend from the early days of fire academy. Wow. Where’s SHE been all this time? Maybe she’ll show up at the wedding….
A fun fact about the 12-17 strip. “LePetit Chateau” is a real restaurant in North Hollywood, CA and it looks just like this. I have an old college buddy who lives in the area and eats there all the time. When I visit, we go there. His favorite server is “Laura” in the next strip; this is a clumsy caricature of her. Anyway, if you ever happen to visit this place, check the walls. They have a copy of my strip hung somewhere.
And, finally, a kiss!! But Brad’s in a Santa suit. So who was Toni really kissing…?