Volume 12 – Playing House
Volume 12 – Playing House
Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
” Some background on butt cracks. The second strip in this collection… Read More

Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
Some background on butt cracks. The second strip in this collection shows a tiny line on Brad’s butt. This reminds me of a strip I did years ago in which Brad is working on his car. He’s bent over, reaching deep into the engine and his crack is showing. This strip appeared in papers across the country.
I got a call from then-editorial cartoonist for the San Diego Union, Steve Kelly. He’d drawn an unflattering cartoon about a popular style of the day: guys in pants that hung down at groin level, complete with butt crack. His editors were chastising him and refusing to run the cartoon. Steve had seen my Brad butt ‘toon and was calling to ask if he could use it in his defense. I said, “sure.” I don’t know if Steve won his case but I do know he left the paper shortly thereafter. Butt Crack Scandal? I don’t know. Ask Mr. Kelly.
In this series of strips, we get a little preview of what married life might be like for Brad and Toni.
You may also notice that I’ve gradually altered Brad’s appearance. He’s gone from a round-faced lump with thin wisps of hair to a slightly chiseled jaw line and a thicker mane. I guess being with a beautiful woman has made him more handsome.