Dear Reader,
As a Luann Fan, you’ve probably already seen our anniversary Sunday strip and visited to watch our thank you video and see this month’s unusual Featured Collection: 13 Going on 53. We hope you also enjoyed the special deep dive post about How Luann Begann. As we dug through our archives and scrapbooks, we realized we had WAY more story and stuff to share than we can fit into these emails. Seriously–the content exceeded what inboxes will allow!
Just for our Luann Fans we also recorded a video tour of Greg’s studio to show you a smidge of all the interesting material we’ve been sorting through in preparation for LUANN’s anniversary…and for something else exciting that we have debuting later this year! More about that below.
As always, THANK YOU for your fan support. Here’s to many more decades of sharing the LUANNiverse with you!
~Greg and Karen