Volume 10 – A Banquet and Bad News

Volume 10 – A Banquet and Bad News

Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
“So finally Toni warms to Brad. Even gives him a kiss… Read More























Behind-the-scene commentary from Greg Evans:
So finally Toni warms to Brad. Even gives him a kiss in the fourth strip in this collection.

It may surprise you to know that it’s very hard to draw a good-looking cartoon kiss. Lips look odd, noses tend to get in the way – the intimacy gets spoiled by any awkwardness. I spend lots of time drawing and redrawing kisses to get them to look right.

I get a kick out of the Jan. 30 strip in which Dirk has a clunky trailer full of yard equipment that he’s hauling around with his gleaming Firebird. I wonder where Dirk got his money to afford his expensive cars? I never addressed that.

All the legal details about the restraining order are courtesy of a former neighbor who worked for the Sheriff’s Dept.

Poor Brad can be such a doofus. He tries hard to be responsible, confident and smooth but somehow always trips over some lame scheme or bad advice from TJ or Luann. I think lots of guys – me included – can identify. What male doesn’t wish he were James Bond, all flawlessly macho and certain? Truth is, we’re all more Homer Simpson than James Bond.